Saturday, April 22, 2006

#210: Iya, Gitu?

Bulan kelahiran bisa nunjukkin kepribadian kita? Mata tiih..?
Ini gw dapet dari Dey (thx yaa.. muach!). Just wanna know...

This straight-up means u r the most good-looking person possible... better than all of these other months! (haa..?)
Loyal and generous. (semoga beneran bisa...)
Patriotic. (biasa aja, deeh...)
Competitive in everything. (umm.. untuk lebih semangat aja, kali ya..)

Active in games and interactions. (ga ah..)
Impatient and hasty. (uuh.. gw banget!)
Ambitious. (biasa aja...)
Influential in organizations.

Fun to be with. (iya, ya?)
Easy to talk to, though hard to understand.
Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. (hmm...)
Easily influenced by kindness.
Polite and soft-spoken.
Having lots of ideas.
Active mind.
Hesitating, tends to delay. (yaah.. ketauan, deh...)
Choosy and always wants the best. (ga terlalu, ah.. biasa aja)
Temperamental. (APA LU BILANG??? hehe.. ngga, lagi..)
Funny and humorous. (harus, dong... biar sehat!)
Loves to joke. (kekekek...)
Good debating skills. (boong, neey... nyindir ya? hehe...)
Has that someone always on his/her mind. (iya.. *bari ceurik*)
Daydreamer. (hohoho...)

Knows how to make friends.
Able to show character.

One guy/girl kind of person. (iya, doong... siapa yang mau diduain, ditigain, diempatin...)
Loveable. (*kedip-kedip mata*)
Easily hurt. (*tangan di dada, tampang memelas*)
Prone to getting colds. (ah, ga juga, tuh!)
Loves music. (desi rocks!)
Pretty/handsome. (oh, thank you...)
Loves to dress up. (nyindir lagi, ya..?)
Easily bored. (betul banget...)
Seldom shows emotions. (iya juga, siiy...)
Takes time to recover when hurt. (who doesn't?)
Sensitive. (ini sensitive, koq, ditulis dua kali?)

Waks! Koq banyak amat...

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