Friday, January 02, 2015

#683: 2/365 My 2015 Reading Challenge

Membaca itu bikin gua seakan penuh inspirasi. (((((seakan))))) hahaha...
Maksud gua, gini... Memang, sih, am not an avid reader. Gua suka baca, tentu. Tapi seringnya, ya "sekadar" baca aja. Beli buku juga bisa dibilang sering --apalagi kalo liat sampul bukunya yang lucu-lucu, hihihi. Tapi masih banyak, tuh, buku yang belom gua baca XD.
Okay. Ulang. Am not an avid reader. Tapi kalo kelamaan ga baca buku, gua kok, jadi asa mandek gitu. Hidup teh asa ga ada inspirasi. Padahal setiap hari ge gua mah pasti baca temlen twitter *takol. Tapi memang beda, ya, rasanya. Dulu pas jaman-jamannya gua rajin baca buku (apalagi waktu nemu goodreads), gua asa lebih gampang nulis. Nemu kosa kata itu asa gampang. Begitu jarang baca buku, nemu kosa kata yang pas untuk dipake dalam kalimat aja meniiii susyah. Asa ga ada inspirasi :D.

Nah. Makanya, taun ini gua pengen banyak baca lagi. Pengennya sih, ga sekadar baca. Sekali-sekali bikin review-nya, gitu. Tapi ga janji, deh. Hahaha.

Reading challenge yang gua ikutin, yang dari goodreads aja. Kita sendiri yang nentuin berapa banyak buku yang pengen kita baca taun 2015 ini. Gua nge-set 12 buku aja dulu. Artinya, tiap bulan, 1 buku harus kelar dibaca. Kalo udah mau deket-deket 12 buku, tambo ciek! Hihihi. Ya karena emang bisa kita ganti target buku yang kita baca.

Etapi, kemaren gua nemu reading challenge juga di pinterest. Ultimate reading challenge, cenah. Karena banyak, dan ditentuin pula buku kayak apa yang harus kita baca. Gua mau ikutan itu juga. Dengan catatan, jangan ngoyo :)). Ini, gua kasi liat daftarnya.

Banyak, kan? Dan rempong, kan? X))
Tapi mari gua coba, dah.
Progresnya bakal gua tulis di sini, di postingan #683 ini. Tautannya gua taro di sidebar, di bagian "the books". (biar gua gampang nyarinya, hihihi)

Let's do this!

Edit to add:
Hari terakhir 2015.
Dan tantangan ini bisa gua kerjakan 17/50 saja, hahaha...
Etapi, sebenernya gua baca 36 buku di taun 2015.
Yasud lah ya. Taun 2016, gua mau baca 52 buku.
Wish me luck! :D


2015 Ultimate Reading Challenge: My Progress
  1. #27 A book you can finish in a day: Me and My Prince Charming (Orizuka)
  2. #9 A book by a female author: Hidup Sederhana (Desi Anwar)
  3. #41 A book by an author you've never read before: Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library (Chris Grabenstein)
  4. #10 A mystery or thriller: The Atlantis Gene --Gen Manusia Atlantis (A.G. Riddle, Ahmad Alkadri (Translator), Mery Riansyah (Editor))
  5. #39 A book with magic: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (J.K. Rowling)
  6. #12 A book of short stories: Bastian dan Jamur Ajaib (Ratih Kumala)
  7. #38 A book that made you cry: Perempuan-Perempuan Tersayang (Okke 'sepatumerah')
  8. #13 A book set in a different country: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore (Robin Sloan)
  9. #16 A book from an author you love that you haven't read yet: The Tales of Beedle the Bard (J.K. Rowling)
  10. #4 A book published this year: Somewhere Only We Know (Alexander Thian)
  11. #3 A book that became a movie: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe --Sang Singa, sang Penyihir, dan Lemari (C.S. Lewis)
  12. #24 A book based entirely on its cover: One Hundred Names --Seratus Nama (Cecelia Ahern (Author), Nurkinanti Laraskusuma (Translator))
  13. #7 A book with nonhuman characters: The Golem and The Jinni - Sang Golem dan Sang Jin (Helene Wecker (Goodreads Author), Lulu Fitri Rahman (Translator))
  14. #5 A book with a number in the title: Critical Eleven (Ika Natassa)
  15. #6 A book written by someone under 30: #88 LOVE LIFE: 88 Thoughts on Love and Life (Diana Rikasari, Dinda Puspitasari (Illustrator))
  16. #11 A book with a one-word title: Disonansi (Edith PS)
  17. #44 A book that was originally written in a different language: The Screaming Staircase - Undakan Menjerit (Lockwood & Co. #1) (Jonathan Stroud (Goodreads Author), Poppy D. Chusfani (Goodreads Author) (Translator))

2015 Ultimate Reading Challenge
  1. A book with more than 500 pages: Steve Jobs (Walter Isaacson)
  2. A classic romance: The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)
  3. A book that became a movie: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe --Sang Singa, sang Penyihir, dan Lemari (C.S. Lewis)
  4. A book published this year: Somewhere Only We Know (Alexander Thian)
  5. A book with a number in the title
  6. A book written by someone under 30
  7. A book with nonhuman characters: The Golem and The Jinni - Sang Golem dan Sang Jin (Helene Wecker (Goodreads Author), Lulu Fitri Rahman (Translator))
  8. A funny book: The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde) / The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Mark Haddon)
  9. A book by a female author
  10. A mystery or thriller
  11. A book with a one-word title
  12. A book of short stories
  13. A book set in a different country: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore (Robin Sloan)
  14. A nonfiction book: The Island of Java: Sejarah Tanah Jawa (John Joseph Stockdale)
  15. A popular author's first book: The Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger)
  16. A book from an author you love that you haven't read yet: The Tales of Beedle the Bard (J.K. Rowling)
  17. A book a friend recommended: What the Dog Saw dan Petualangan-Petualangan Lainnya (Malcolm Gladwell)
  18. A Pulitzer Prize-winning book: To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
  19. A book based on a true story
  20. A book at the bottom of your to-read list
  21. A book your mom loves
  22. A book that scares you: It (Stephen King)
  23. A book more than 100 years old: The Scarecrow of Oz (L. Frank Baum) atau The Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka)
  24. A book based entirely on its cover
  25. A book you supposed to read in school but didn't
  26. A memoir: Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail (Cheryl Strayed)
  27. A book you can finish in a day
  28. A book with antonyms in the title
  29. A book set somewhere you've always wanted to visit
  30. A book that came out the year you were born: Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! (Dr. Seuss)
  31. A book with bad reviews
  32. A trilogy
  33. A book from your childhood
  34. A book with a love triangle
  35. A book set in the future
  36. A book set in high school: The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky)
  37. A book with a color in the title
  38. A book that made you cry
  39. A book with magic
  40. A graphic novel
  41. A book by an author you've never read before
  42. A book you own but have never read
  43. A book that takes place in your hometown
  44. A book that was originally written in a different language
  45. A book set during Christmas
  46. A book written by an author with your same initials: Broken City (D.D. Chant)
  47. A play
  48. A banned book: Bumi Manusia (Pramoedya Ananta Toer)
  49. A book based on or turned into a TV show: Roswell High series (Melinda Metz)
  50. A book you started but never finished: Dunia Sophie (Jostein Gaarder), hahaha

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