Wednesday, August 10, 2005

#55: Hiburan Hari Ini

Tadi pas istirahat, sambil makan siang, gw buka e-mail. Ada satu e-mail dari Mba Susy yang lumayan seru. Attachment-nya itu lho, yang lumayan seru. Tibatiantest, judul file-nya. Isinya pertanyaan-pertanyaan gitu lah, yang harus kita jawab dengan jujur *halah* dan step by step. Dalam artian, ga boleh langsung liat arti dari jawaban kita. Ngerti kan? Ngerti, ya. Pokoknya gitu deh!

Anyway, Tibatiantest ini terdiri dari empat pertanyaan. Tiap-tiap jawaban yang kita kasi untuk tiap pertanyaan, punya arti atau interpretasi masing-masing. Berikut ini jawaban gw beserta arti/interpretasinya. Heuheuheu… Just for fun lah.

Tibetan Personality Test

Q : Make a wish before beginning the test!
A : aada deeh… moal beja-beja… :p

Question 1 : Put the following 5 animals in the order of your preference: Cow, Tiger, Sheep, Horse, Pig
My answer : Tiger – Horse – Cow – Sheep – Pig
Interpretation : This will define your priorities in your life.
Cow signifies Career
Tiger signifies Pride
Sheep signifies Love
Horse signifies Family
Pig signifies Money
It means : Prioritas dalam hidup gw adalah harga diri (pride) – keluarga (family) – karier (career) – cinta (love) – uang (money)
I said : What? I put love and money as my less priorities? *big grinning*

Question 2 : Write one word that describes each one of the following : Dog, Cat, Rat, Coffee, Sea
My answer : Dog = bark, Cat = yaiks, Rat = geuleuh, Coffee = seger, Sea = tenang
Interpretation : Your description of dog implies your own personality.
Your description of cat implies the personality of your partner.
Your description of rat implies the personality of your enemies.
Your description of coffee is how you interpret sex.
Your description of sea implies your own life.
It means : My own personality is barking. (Guk, guk, guk…)
My partner personality is yaiks! (Waah.. kalo gini mah, ga ada yang mo jadi partner gw atuh ya?)
My enemies personality are geuleuh. (Kikikikik…)
I interpret sex as seger. (Whaaattzz? *big grinning*)
My own life is tenang. (Maybe…)
I said : Think I’m just happy lah! *wink*

Question 3 : Think of someone, who also knows you and is important to you, which you can relate them to the following color. Do not repeat your answer twice. Name just one person for each color : Yellow, Orange, Red, White, Green
My answer : Yellow = Diach, Orange = gw, Red = Mba Moni, White = abang, Green = Ade
Interpretation : Yellow = someone you will never forget.
Orange = someone you consider your true friend.
Red = someone that you really love.
White = your twin soul.
Green = someone that you will remember for the rest of your life.
It means : I will never forget Diach. (Iya lah…temen dari SMP yang masih kontak, gitu lho!)
My true friend is gw sendiri! (Hahaha… Narsis banget ga siy gw? *huge grinning*)
I really love Mba Moni. (Apalagi kalo dia bagi-bagi kue keringnya yg yummy itu. Ya ga, Mba? *batting eyelashes*)
Abang is my twin soul. (OMG, i hope so, let it be. I hope so! *praying*)
I will remember Ade for the rest of my life. (She’s my sister for god’s sake…)
I said : Whoaa… jadi kangen niiy… *hiks*

Question 4 : Finally, write down your favorite number, and your favorite day of the week.
My answer : My fave number = 9, my fave day = Friday.
Interpretation : You have to send this message to as many person as your favorite number and your wish will come true on the day that you recorded.
It means : I have to send this message to 9 person and my wish will come true on Friday.
I said : Yeah, right. *rolling eyes*

This is what the Dalai Lama has said about the Millennium –just take a few seconds to look it up, read it and think.

Udah. Gitu aja. Selesai.

Saya telah berbicara. Howgh!
(Hehehe… Maklum, abis selesai baca Winnetou I-nya Karl May *smug*)

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