Wednesday, August 22, 2007

#425: Milih ‘Ragu-Ragu’ Disalahin Karena Itu Berarti Gua Ga Punya Pendirian? Maaing We!

Where the bad folks go when they die?
Dunno. Ask Nirvana. Not because they were the bad folks. Not because they were dead (well, Kurt is). They have “Lake of Fire”, you know.
Where the bad folks go when they die?
They don’t go to heaven where the angels fly.
They go to lake of fire and fry!


Milih ‘Ragu-ragu’ disalahin karena itu berarti gua ga punya pendirian? Terus kenapa ‘Ragu-ragu’ itu dijadiin salah satu pilihan? That’s why I hated PSPB!

Okay. Enough mumbling. :D

Booooo… *ketularan Manik n Miund, niy*

Kenapa ya, gua jadi kepikiran love-of-my-life thing gitu? Baru nyadar gitu ya, kalo gua udah mo 32 n belom married? :D
Tapi kan, katanya sebentar lagi gua married... Hehehe...
Lagian juga biasanya gua biasa-biasa aja. Kenapa hari ini berasa sok-sok heboh?
Biasanya juga ’think I’m just happy’ gitu.
Apa sudah waktunya gua merencanakan hidup gua dengan lebih serius?
Oh. Selama ini ga serius ya? *dzigh*
Buset. Hampir 32 dan ga serius? *dzigh dzigh*
Ya selama ini kan kayaknya gua jalanin aja hidup gua. Ga pernah bener-bener ngerencanain sesuatu. Sekalinya ngerencanain, berantakan. And I’m still working on it: it’s been a couple years and my heart is still under construction.
Yo wis toh. Go with the flow aja.

And a friend of mine told me to open my heart. For somebody new.
Well, not just one friend. Some friends.
You know what? I know the theory, I think: gua harusnya begini, gua mestinya begitu, gua kudunya begono. It’s easy to say. But can you tell me how to erase someone who once meant the world to me for a very long time? Okay, do not erase him. Replace him? There will be a huge empty space inside me, then.
Oh boy. I just know the answer. Just open your heart. And love will come along.
So. Anybody has the right key?
Ha ha. You kid me? Even they have the right keys, they can’t open it. No, unless you let it open.

Ah. Sud lah. I’m running in circle again *sigh*.
Daripada lari-lari muter-muter, mendingan tidur. Kan besok mo rapat sama bos baru. Kalo diundang itu juga. Dan kalo iya, kali aja butuh tenaga untuk konsentrasi dan menahan kantuk, hehehe...

Ih. Padahal tadi baru aja nyemangatin Mba. Emang paling bisa lah kalo nyemangatin orang mah. Ayo atuh, Des. Semangat! Never ever let anything make you down. Ya Mba, ya? :D

Kamar Bowtak, Selasa, 21 Agustus 2007, 10:35 PM, Rush Hour di transtv

NB: Oiya. Hari ini ulang taun Ummi-nya Cayra. Happy birthday ya, Fit. Wish all the best for you. Sugan teh tanggal 23 nanti, hehehe… Jadi, yang tanggal 23 nanti, siapa ya? *gubrags* Neng Fasma n Ayi –temen STM gua :D. Kalo ga salah, hekhehek…

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